Day 7 of 30 Days Squat Challenge & Water Only

Hi everyone,

Week June 3-9: Yes, I know I have been MIA but its my birthday week and I have been enjoying myself. Here is a picture of my birthday and outfit that I wore to dinner with a friend: Image

Exercise Routine: I did do all my walking/jogging (6 laps) on the field and my assigned number of squats on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday was “rest day” and my birthday June 4* and tomorrow/today June 8th is my second  “rest day”. Here is the quat challenge chart:

Doing it well ;-)

Doing it well 😉

Unfortunately, I have failed to maintain the water only challenge but I have been drinking a lot more water than I was before. Nonetheless, its only the first week of June and a special week at that so I will resume the water only challenge come Monday since I will be  having a birthday get together this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday.

Diet: It has been very consistent with mostly healthy food choices but I did have a slice of cheesecake on my birthday (wasn’t that great), Thursday I had chocolate (M&M’s) and today I had coffee milkshake and an oatmeal cookie (bad idea with the dairy intake) because it triggered bloating, which I am still experiencing and slight headaches right after ingesting them. Hence, no more of those items once and for all and this time I’m not saying that but WILL live that.

I hope all is well with everyone and I’m leaving you with a another birthday week photo because I decided that I would doll up more this week.


Also, we often hear the saying “knowledge is power”, however, I believe that it is “the use of knowledge that is power“. It is one thing to know that exercise and eating properly is key to being healthy but, its also important to know exactly how these two ingredients impact on your wellbeing. If you are serious about a healthy lifestyle change or maintence, here is a very informative ebook:

I just want to encourage you to keep up the good work and if you haven’t started be inspired. If no one around you is showing support just know I am.

Healthy Wealthy & Sexy (2)

One Love: Michelle


Day 3 of Squat & Water Challenge

June 3, 2013

I AM SO TIRED!!! Today’s workout KICKED MY ASS!

HI everyone,

Let me just say thank God tomorrow is rest day and ironically its also my birthday. Well, with all that said lets get into my meals :-/

Breakfast 6:30 am – 1 medium mango (Blackie) and cup of green tea

Snack 11:30 am – 6 small slices of melon

Lunch 2:00 pm – 1 large mango (east indian)

Snack 6:30 pm – 2 medium plums (American)

Dinner 9:00 pm – Fried shrimp in sweet n sour sauce and 1/4 cup of white rice.

As usual all meals after breakfast was I know my nutritional intake was really poor today but tomorrow is a next day.

Workout Routine: 4 walking laps & 2 jogging laps along with 60 squats.

I’m getting it tomorrow.

Much Love to all my new followers and feel free to share.

30 Days Squat & Water Only Challenge Day 2

June 2, 2013

Hey everyone,

Today is Sunday and Sundays are always my rest days, which I did that for most of the day. I just got done with todays workout.

Workout Routine: 12 mins on the bicycle, 55 squats and 50 calf raises.

My food intake was better today in terms of my food choices but not my timing, or so I thought.

Breakfast 11:30 am: 4 slices of melon

Lunch 2:30 pm: 2 medium sized mangoes (blackie or black mangoes if you are Jamaican).

Dinner 5:30 pm: 1/2 steam fish, 1/2 cup of white rice, carrots and green plantain steamed.

Late Snack 8:30 pm: 1/2 fish

For my water only challenge I did succeed and had water with all the above meals.

All in all it was a good day and now look forward to tomorrow which is my mother’s birthday and I’m also going to detox by having only fruits which will exclude citrus based fruits and bananas.

I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Stay bless and have a wonderful Monday.

Busy Saturday, 30 Days Squat & Water Challenge (for June 1, 2013)

Hey everyone,

I am so tired BUT I had to put in an entry today to keep you all posted on my fitness and dietary intake.

Today was a very hectic day for me since I did my friend’s makeup for her wedding and also ended up decorating her reception venue and attended the wedding in a pair of jeans, t-shirt and cap lol. Needless to say my food intake was not the healthiest.

Breakfast 9:30 am – 4 medium slices of melon.

Lunch 3:00 pm – 1/2 of a Fish sandwich from KFC & 1/2 of the small cup of grape soda.

Dinner 7:30 pm – Macaroni & cheese with 2 slices of tomato along with homemade mango juice.

Late Night Snack 11:00 pm  – Hot chocolate tea with soy milk and crackers (club social 2 packs): this was in order to take my medication.

I had water & orange juice in between those meals but it was not a good look for my dietary intake. However, under the circumstances I ate what I could, when I got a chance.

Now, the irony of today, is that I planned on starting my WATER ONLY JUNE challenge today but the guys who bought the KFC got soda instead of the tropicana I told them…not that its much better since its all artificial flavouring.

The Water Only June Challenge will consist of me not drinking any juice throughout the month nor soymilk. I will only have green tea in the morning and water with every other meal. I got this idea from a youtuber which here is her video:

However, I have some good news I started my 30 Days Squat Challenge as planned, so all ends well for me. Here is the plan I’m following: Image